Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
navlib::AdaptiveIdentifierA system identification method using a Lyapunov approach
navlib::CircleCircle shape
navlib::ControllerAbstract parent class for a control system
navlib::DubinsCA curved path segment
navlib::DubinsSA straight path segment
navlib::DubinsSolverA solver that connects two path points using Dubins curves
navlib::DynamicsModelA set of first order differential equations that predicts the motion of a vehicle due to some control input
navlib::EkfIdentifierA system identification method using an Extended Kalman Filter
navlib::ExtendedKalmanFilter< T >A Kalman Filter that is able to operate on non-linear systems by linearizing the dynamics about the current state estimate
navlib::FrenetSerretControllerPath following controller
navlib::FSDWControllerPath following obstacle avoidance controller
navlib::GapThe angular midpoint between two polar points
navlib::HKPathA path produced by a HKSolver object
navlib::HKSolverA solver based on the 2005 Howard Kelley paper
navlib::IdentifierAbstract parent class for a system identification object
navlib::NDPlannerUses the nearness diagram (ND) method to plan paths
navlib::PathRoute that has a continuous position, orientation, and curvature
navlib::PathChainA path composed of several smaller paths
navlib::PathPlannerAbstract parent class for a path planner
navlib::PathPointThe position, orientation, and curvature of a point on a path
navlib::PointA point in 2D cartesian space
navlib::PolarA point in 2D polar space
navlib::PolygonPolygon shape
navlib::PoseA position and orientation
navlib::ReversePathA path that moves along the same waypoints as a given path but in the opposite direction
navlib::RoadmapPlannerUses the A* algorithm to find the shortest path
navlib::SectorA cone shaped swath of space that is bounded by a Gap on either side
navlib::SegmentA line segment
navlib::ShapeAbstract parent class for any 2D shape that has a closed boundary
navlib::TimerHigh resolution timer
navlib::TpbvpSolverAbstract parent class for a two point boundary value problem solver
navlib::UnicycleModelAn example of a dynamics model
navlib::VelocityA forward and an angular velocity
navlib::VpTree< T >Data structure used to find k-nearest neighbors using an arbitrary distance metric

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